Petstages Kitty Sweet Treats 6 pack


Petstages Kitty Sweet Treats 6 pack

Regular price $18.99

The Candy 6 Pack of plush catnip cat toys is made for hunting fun! Filled with catnip to pique interest and encourage sophisticatedly enthusiastic play, these six cat toys are sure to delight the inner party animal in your kitty. Catnip, feathers, and crinkle material make these toys extra fun for your cat to pounce, chase, chew, and bat. Comes in a pack of six candy-themed cat toys so you have extras on hand when the others inevitably get lost under the couch. Do not leave toys with unsupervised pets. Remove and replace toy if damaged.





SUGAR HIGH: These 6 candy-themed catnip cat toys are sure to delight every cat.

CONTAINS CATNIP: Filled with catnip to pique interest and encourage sophisticatedly enthusiastic play.

HUNTER'S DELIGHT: Added feathers and crinkle sound inspire stalking, chasing, and batting play.

CRINKLE CRAZY: Some toys in this 6-pack contain crinkle sounds cats can't resist.

PLAY IT SAFE: No toy is indestructible. Do not leave toys with unsupervised pets. Remove and replace toy if damaged.


Includes: 6 Catnip Toys


Intended For: Cat