Everyone knows the most important factor in training your cat is the treats. Duh. Kitties don't work for free
And nothing's worse than realizing mid-trip that you left the treats at home, or can't find them after digging around your backpack for minutes on end. Be prepared & always have their favorite treats on hand in our silicone treat pouch that clips right onto your cat backpack's strap or onto your pants or jacket pocket
Treats need to be plentiful and accessible at any given moment if you're going to make any progress with teaching your cat a new trick, getting them to like being in the car or training them to hop in their cat backpack
Travel cats silicone treat pouch keeps your cat's treats extra fresh, and just as nearby as your hoodie pocket - without the residual smell or forgotten mushy mess going through the wash. With our silicone treat pouch, you'll never be without treats again.